The New European Bauhaus “connects the European Green Deal to our living spaces”. It aims to “accelerate the green transition, contribute to the recovery and to ensure a better living together for all, by basing itself on the existing wealth of knowledge, experience and capacities as much as to call for new visions, new ideas and new solutions.”
New European Bauhaus x PIONIRA - what does this entail?
As PIONIRA, we showcase alternative ways of worldmaking. Alongside our usual work, in the framework of our NEB collaboration, we are now launching our first series: #thEUrsday - also readable as EU Thursday.
Every Thursday we will post a short interview or contribution from one of the people or projects that we met along our journey with the New European Bauhaus.
With our “behind the scenes” series we are sharing strategies with you on a path towards a hopeful future. In order to learn from all the associated individuals, we are currently in listening mode – connecting the many great contacts and ideas, to see where they can lead us in the future. We are hereby also trying to find out, how to get from talking to doing!
There is so much positive energy in the digital room that we want to transport further and share with you!
We're based in Berlin for most of the year. Our mobile office likes to follow our European vision, traveling around to where PIONIRA takes us.
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